
Posts Tagged ‘back treatments’

[Photo Credit: “http://www.redbubble.com“]

Oh how I pondered the title of this first post now that Beauty School is in full effect and our first full week is behind us.

Sure doesn’t feel like it’s been only seven days, let me tell ya’. It’s also funny how quickly I have become comfortable with 10 women who were only faces in chairs seven days ago. The good news is that we like each other, though Ms. Tanna says we’ll be completely different people in three weeks when our “real personalities” come out. Uh oh! You know how women sync up hormonally when constantly in each other’s presence? I’ve experienced that twice before in my life so here’s hoping it doesn’t happen again. Though as we stood around waiting to clock out Saturday, the conversation went from swingers to falling asleep in front of the television only to wake up a few hours later because of the slapping sound of skin-on-skin lovin’ via some late night Cinemax soft-porn. Ms. Tanna clasped her hands over her eyes, shook her head & blushingly stated that our real personalities might have already surfaced. Those crazy girls…

Week 1 in Review:

* Ms. Tanna:

We all agree that we like Ms. Tanna’s teaching style. She informed us early on that she DOES NOT believe in pop quizzes, homework or tests on subjects not thoroughly covered. She is extremely passionate about esthetics and has a decade’s experience in the biz. She owns a salon so I do appreciate the first hand business knowledge at our grasp. She’s fairly young having started beauty school while still in high school. She’s a cosmetologist as well who received scholarships to pursue the teaching end of the business so she couldn’t refuse, though teaching was the last thing on her mind. She loves it now. Easy-going, all about fairness and obsessed with hospital grade disinfection methods which is perfectly fine with me. She covers the not so fun topics like housekeeping with a “yea I know but it’s necessary” attitude. Having trained new and existing employees in my time, I can tell she’s been at it for a while because she knows how to broach such topics in a direct yet friendly way that lets you know it’s of the utmost importance without sounding like a disciplinarian.

* The School:

Much bigger than it looks on the outside. We spend most of our time between our classroom, a second room used for orientations/presentations and then there’s the spa. Beauty School Spa has 10 beds for facials and body treatments, a room strictly for waxing and then there’s the dispensary for all the supplies needed for services. When we clock in and get settled, we stop into the spa every morning to complete what I call “The Rules“: plugging in the machines for the day then stopping by the laundry room to switch out the load. The night class handles a few loads but we can get the most done since we use far more towels, linens and robes. I’m a bit of a clean freak so all of this suits me just fine.

* Classmates:

= Lake was the first person I spoke to during orientation. We’ve had lunch together a few times. She’s nice and we share the same ‘business first, fun later’ approach to Beauty School. She’s in her early 30’s, a single mom, and has a long commute each day.

= Staigen is the second person I spoke to during orientation. She’s married, very blunt, loud, has a love/hate relationship with her curly hair & insists at 34, she’s the oldest one here. I assure her on Day 2, she’s not.

= Tora is tall with long brown hair, big brown eyes & so much youthful innocence to her voice that it’s obvious she’s fresh out of high school. She’s passionate about tennis but had to stop playing due to an injury. Tennis is her love, she talks about it often and wishes she could return. Sweet girl.

= Kat is in her late 20’s, quiet, tan and has a distinct russian accent. She also has, what appears to be a flawless airbrush makeup application technique. I’ve yet to ask but plan to eventually.

= Liz grew on me once I realized her wide-eyed straight-forwardness isn’t intended to be rude, it’s just her way. She’s 21 and inquisitive but can be soft-spoken at times. She performed my second back treatment which caused me to change my first stance about not liking them.

= Catya is 20 years old. Before she revealed her age, I thought she was 25. Beauty School has made me realize I’m NO good at guessing ages. Catya is blond with blue-eyes and fair skin. She was once approached by an egg-donor company because of her highly preferred DNA but turned it down. She’s petite and an admitted ‘freak’. Um, yea …moving right along….

= Snarksun. There’s no other name for this woman. I’m guessing she could be the oldest in the class. Petite, fit & a mother to triplets. She’s got a wicked sense-of-humor, co-signed on Catya’s “freak” comment and has yet to master her “spa voice”, I’m betting at some point her crass delivery will get her into some form of trouble. She’s a pistol alright, a lil bit of sunshine and a whole lot of snark. Get it?

= Anya is your all around girl next door. She’s laid back, easy-going and enjoys a good laugh. Her most stand-out physical trait are her big cheeks and “I-can’t-believe-I-did-that” eye-roll.

= Jolyna is a youthful, label obsessed, blank-stare dazed ‘daddy’s girl’ who every now & then drops a bomb of relevant awareness that makes us gasp and laugh at the same time. She’s that girl you knew growing up whom you just accepted without trying to change because she was as amusing as she was shallow and on occasion, somewhat enlightening.


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Technically Week 1 is not over since our schedule runs Tues-Sat BUT I will have an update for you shortly. Few quick notes:

* Every day has been a little like Christmas

* The time truly does fly

* It ain’t boring

* Clean as a whistle

* We have a good instructor

* Age isn’t a factor

* I don’t like getting back treatments

* I like giving back treatments

* Snarksun relieves stress with sex

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